Funny video: puppy decides to be affectionate during military training

Funny video: puppy decides to be affectionate during military training Funny video: puppy decides to be affectionate during military training (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of a puppy enjoying military training to have an intimate moment with one of the soldiers is making internet users burst into laughter!

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“Someone hold this dog! No smiling allowed,” reads the text inserted in the video, which shows a group of men standing and looking seriously forward during military training. Suddenly, a stray dog appears and turns one of the soldiers’ legs into a mating partner!

“You cheeky little thing, you’ve gone too far,” the caption further says, shared with the clip in mid-June. The funny video has already amassed over 4.2 million views, along with more than 100,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who found the scene amusing.

“Imagine finding this funny and not being able to laugh,” remarked one Instagram user. “Soldier approved,” commented another. “How embarrassing,” said a third internet user. “I would’ve started doing push-ups right away,” admitted yet another.

Despite appearances, experts say this kind of behavior doesn’t seem to have truly bold motivations. According to behavioral expert Dr. Mary Burch, dogs tend to do this when they want to establish their dominance.

Burch, who is the director of the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program, spoke to the American Kennel Club’s website, suggesting that this behavior could also indicate the dog is stressed, overstimulated, or even has medical issues like infections or prostate problems.

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